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    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
    WarGear Admin tom
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    Jun 09

    hi all

    So here's my current ToDo list... as you can see it is rather long so my priority at the moment is fixing up any outstanding bugs then the major usability issues in the Forums and Player / Designer and finally I'll start work on implementing new features. If I've missed things off (I'm sure I have in the chaos of the last few days!) then my apologies and please let me know. Once again thank you all for your great suggestions, it's really appreciated!



    Major Enhancements
    Tournament system
    Simultaneous play mode (similar to BAO)
    Board review system
    Board payment system
    Board customisation (modding) system
    Clan system

    Bundle up game tabs so they all fit on one game Info page
    Rules + Rankings help pages
    Dot color in playerbar - fixed not variable
    Use clickable image map for playerbar to link to profiles
    Daily / Weekly 'it's your turn in x games' emails
    Sort options for board pages - popularity, category, price, release date
    Multiple attack log entry - speeds up history view
    Additional setting - only allow friends to invite me to games / block enemies
    Home page customisation
    Game list column customisation
    Preview teammates moves in simultaneous mode (premium feature?)
    Built in Hordes type bonus system
    Game join page - add +- button to add / remove invitation fields
    Game join page - better way of selecting friends to invite
    Add player name suggest code from friends page to create game page
    Fog setting hover helper text / icons
    Change player color after joining
    Update card scale options

    Active threads view
    Ability to add a Signature
    Icon color to denote threads which have stuff to read in them
    Add smilies to quickpost area
    Search not working?
    Improved forum admin functions
    Page numbers on threads
    Upload images to forums

    Test Fill - make it a toggle button
    Resizable player bar
    When uploading images auto close dialog
    Scenario mode bug when in fill mode
    Improve way borders are added - allow multiple border to be added at a time - also apply to adding modifiers
    Teamplay only setting - add rule for 'regular_enabled' to facilitate this
    Pop up helper for continents page - table that summaries bonus values
    Export board to file / Import from file to allow offline editing
    Border modifiers popup helper
    Board Validator - Check map elements sit inside image / Check fills / Check for any isolated territories
    Fix up fill mode so it looks better
    Add designer feature to run simulation games
    'Fill all territories' button
    Better way of visualising border modifiers
    Link scenario seats colors to selected colors options
    Add blocked player colors option
    Add player color definition page

    More keyboard shortcuts + buttons for placements, fortifies, attacks etc -
    Add version number (about button?
    Improve how capitals are displayed
    Player bar to show eliminated players
    Better way of visualising border modifiers
    Rampage mode - toggle button which automatically attacks and transfers all until turned off

    Gameplay Features
    Must capture territory to get a card rule setting
    Special Cards (spy for Fog, return to attack, airlift etc)
    Allow player selection of capital(s) during Territory Select phase
    Map Maker defined genres (World Map, Hordes Map, Movie Theme Map)
    Speed Turn Based Selection which the Map Designer allows a certain number of Territories to be taken each Turn. So you could set it to 3 and each person would get to select 3 territories in a Turn Based fashion, would go faster but still create something kind of new.
    Allow team continent bonuses
    Team elimination bonuses
    Producer countries - can only place units on same country
    Team card transfers
    Starting scenario - set initial units to place and assign teams to scenario positions (e.g. for A&A)

    New Win Conditions
    First player to reach specific territory
    First to x units
    First to control more than x% of the territories

    Ideas that probably won't be implemented (due to complexity or I didn't think they were that great an idea!)
    Auto post message from Quick Reply area into Full Editor
    Automagically update turn counter at top of page when turn completes
    Add direct player boot option

    Edited Tue 10th Nov 17:24 [history]

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