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  1. #1 / 11
    Pop. 1, Est. 1981 Alpha
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    There is the following bug in copying boards.

    The game counter is keep.

    For new versions, this may be desirable, but I can also see where it would be nice if it was separate (I would prefer if the copy was a new version with zero games played.)

    When copying a board to make a new game, the same problem exists.  Here, I think there is no argument for keeping the game counter.


    Second bug/problem I have with implementation.  For development games, I would like to see the games that have actually been played on my public beta development maps, private or public.
    Does anyone see an objection to making all development games publicly viewing if the board is in public beta?  (To see them you could click on the games played link on the board.)

    If we don't want to make this public to everyone, is there a way that the designer could possibly see all games that have been played on their map (even after go live).  I think the only objection is that the chat is probably not desirable for the designer to see (I don't know how hard it would be to hide this).


    Kjeld: Remember, while genius might be isolating, you're never alone in stupidity!

  2. #2 / 11
    Premium Member Yertle
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    I think the game counter as a counter for the board, not just the version (there's actually a bug where the game counter IS reset with a new version, see Global Warfare for example, but I do think newer versions do keep counting...not positive though).
    I can see it desirable for development though, it would at minimal be nice if the Game Info page of a game displayed what version the game is being played on.

    Including Private games for the games list seems reasonable IMO, although the hiding the chat would be cool, since that's the main reason I see for them "hidden".

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  3. #3 / 11
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    Yes it's a bit of a mess at the moment. The problem is at the moment it's trying to keep a count of all the games played per board name so that when you promote a new version of a board to Live it retains it's played count.

    Originally I did this because the plan was to use the board count as one of the ways in which the boards page was divided up (i.e. a measure of popularity).

    I think I need to change this as you suggest to a game count per indivudual board version.

    re: games played - I don't see a problem with allowing designers to see all games except Private ones started when the board is Live.

  4. #4 / 11
    Premium Member Yertle
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    tom wrote:
    Originally I did this because the plan was to use the board count as one of the ways in which the boards page was divided up (i.e. a measure of popularity).

    I think I need to change this as you suggest to a game count per indivudual board version.

    Why?  Seems like the popularity makes sense at the Board level and not the Version level as well, since normally Versions may be something as small as small image change (Dual Layer/Fog included) and aren't normally (or shouldn't be IMO) complete game changing elements.

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  5. #5 / 11
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    re: games played - I don't see a problem with allowing designers to see all games except Private ones started when the board is Live.

    This was my intention.  I think there still could be an issue with doing this post-hoc as certain players may be unhappy to have their private chat public to the game designer (maybe I am wrong here; it doesn't bother me).

    yertle wrote:
    tom wrote:
    Originally I did this because the plan was to use the board count as one of the ways in which the boards page was divided up (i.e. a measure of popularity).

    I think I need to change this as you suggest to a game count per indivudual board version.

    Why?  Seems like the popularity makes sense at the Board level and not the Version level as well, since normally Versions may be something as small as small image change (Dual Layer/Fog included) and aren't normally (or shouldn't be IMO) complete game changing elements.

    In the few games I am working on, I have a general theme for the board (Day at the races, Castle Duel Lite,...), but have tried various things to make them work including: different rules (number of attacks, fortifies, dice, starting positions), different maps (layouts, borders, # of territories) and many other fundamentally game changing elements, all while keeping the same basic theme.  On each iteration I have played 2-10 times with various players in the attempt to find the right combination that make the board work best.  Only one of these will make it past test and the others will be discarded, but they are all the same board (most of them are very one-sided or boring to play which is why they will be discarded).  This is the reason I would like to see separate counters for development games.  After live, I understand and agree with the current system (sorry tom, I know two systems would be hard to implement).

    Kjeld: Remember, while genius might be isolating, you're never alone in stupidity!

  6. #6 / 11
    Premium Member Yertle
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    Ahhh you mean NOT including Dev games in the Game Counter? If so then ya, it does make sense to reset the counter when the board goes Live.

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  7. #7 / 11
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    Resetting the counter when it goes Live sounds like a good approach.

    Yertle - don't worry I didn't mean the popularity was going to be based off the board version, it will still be based off all boards versions of the same name. There's just better ways to gather / store this information than in the board counter.

  8. #8 / 11
    Premium Member Yertle
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    tom wrote: Resetting the counter when it goes Live sounds like a good approach.

    Yertle - don't worry I didn't mean the popularity was going to be based off the board version, it will still be based off all boards versions of the same name. There's just better ways to gather / store this information than in the board counter.

    Still seems odd to me that the Games Played row (this is what we're talking about right?) is different/smaller from the number of games in the Games List.  I assume the Games Played counts Private games, which means the number will probably be bigger than the Games List. 

    Also what are the Charts based off of?  Seems like those should be on a Per Board not Version basis, which again seems odd when the Games Played and the Charts don't match up.

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  9. #9 / 11
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    The way the Games Played field has been updated was wrong for a while so I think the numbers don't add up. The Charts version is the truth as it actually counts the games played on each board (i.e. all boards by the same designer with that name) to get the numbers.

    I'll update the counter as per Alpha's recommendation and we'll see how we go from there.

  10. #10 / 11
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  11. #11 / 11
    Commander In Chief tom tom is offline now
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    Both changes have been made.

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