194 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for AJMadness


Sat 25th Jan 02:46
TMNT: Attack rated  Superb
Your first time playing you will likely have no idea what to do. You will attack way too quickly and then either get taken out fast or die a slow, boring, death. However, even making a early mistake or having bad rolls, doesn't mean you can't win. Controlling the Bonuses is not always the best strategy. Overall, I think its a deeper board than it first appears to be.
#9 of 9
Sat 25th Jan 01:52
Count Risky Must Die rated  Good
I enjoy the board, pretty straight forward, but an early castle capture is pretty much game.
#8 of 9
Sat 25th Jan 01:49
Skee rated  Superb
I really like this board, not sure if that is because it is awesome, or brings back memories of my youth when I used to go to Asbury Park NJ. My only issue is that an unlucky starting situation can make it almost unwindable, unless the other players are clueless.
#7 of 9
Sat 25th Jan 01:45
Gila Mongers rated  Perfect
Essentially it is a 4 person version of spy v spy. Like all those tactical maps the luck of the roll can determine your fate, risk v reward....however I feel there is more room for strategy in a 4 player game, I loved it.
#6 of 9
Sat 25th Jan 01:43
Final Fantasy rated  Superb
I really don't see this board playing well other than 1v1, it seems like it would be a nightmare. Unfortunately I may never know because it is hard to even fill a 1v1, too bad, I loved the tournament I played on it. Gets a 9 only because it is a hard board for someone new to play, steep learning curve.
#5 of 9
Sat 25th Jan 01:30
The Riskiest Catch rated  Great
The board plays differently with and without fog (with requires more luck)....starting position can be an issue, but the real problem on this board is the quality of the opponents. Anyone can win or lose a game late because of a bad move by an opponent, but on this board especially without fog, 1 or 2 players who have no idea how to play it can cost you the game in 3 turns without ever having taken a move. I am fine with that, but it is a reason to not give this a 9 or 10...I would like to play with 4 players who know exactly how to play the game, that could be interesting.
#4 of 9
Sat 25th Jan 01:18
Apocalypse Soon rated  Superb
fun board, I reserve 10 for boards I find amazing, but it played well.
#3 of 9
Sat 25th Jan 01:07
Antastic! rated  Superb
Pretty straight forward, very flexible board.
#2 of 9
Sat 25th Jan 01:05
7 Wonders rated  Good
Balance seems slightly off, but it was a fun game.
#1 of 9