206 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
27-May-2011 14:11 Rule the Underworld Antastic! 8 Loss 31 1428
30-Apr-2011 18:19 yo homie Expanding Europe 7 Win 75 1459
07-Apr-2011 10:47 Antmageddon Antastic! 6 Loss 32 1384
27-Mar-2011 21:10 Gotta get out of this maze The Maze 4 Win 54 1416
08-Mar-2011 23:54 castles Castles 6 Win 72 1362
20-Feb-2011 12:50 Black Bear Bear River 8 Win 164 1290
17-Feb-2011 08:08 join negores Europe 1560 8 Win 184 1126
13-Feb-2011 19:28 Pope Wars Europe 1560 7 Loss 24 942
07-Feb-2011 03:13 Please enter a game name WarGear 2210 7 Loss 7 966
05-Feb-2011 21:26 Please enter a game name WarGear 2210 7 Loss 8 973
31-Jan-2011 21:00 huh WarGear Warfare 5 Loss 11 981
30-Jan-2011 17:01 Please enter a game name WarGear 2210 7 Loss 8 992
Initial Score1000
High score: 1459 / Low score: 942 / Longest Win Streak: 4