190 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Cyrano


Thu 12th Apr 08:52
Lord of the Gears rated  Superb
Not bad, a little odd in terms of some of the connections though, especially for someone used to the board game version
#10 of 10
Thu 12th Apr 08:51
Risk vs Reward rated  Perfect
Great map, the fog was a little annoying, but overall I thought that it had some really amazing interactions. The islands create an interesting and compelling stress on the game.
#9 of 10
Thu 12th Apr 08:50
German WarGear rated  Abysmal
Not much fun, too limited and contains limited possbilities for gameplay
#8 of 10
Thu 12th Apr 08:50
The French Resistance rated  Perfect
Great map, forces conflict quickly and has an interesting north-south dynamic. One of my favorites.
#7 of 10
Thu 12th Apr 08:48
World War rated  Perfect
Amazing map, great spin on Classic Risk and opens very interesting possibilities for expanded gameplay
#6 of 10
Thu 12th Apr 08:47
Expanding Europe rated  Great
Very interesting board, although perhaps a little imbalanced
#5 of 10
Wed 11th Apr 12:08
Medieval Europe rated  Perfect
Excellent map, well balanced and providing multiple opportunities for experienced players. Very replayable.
#4 of 10
Wed 11th Apr 12:06
Northwest Passage rated  Average
Interesting, if somewhat confusing, map.
#3 of 10
Wed 11th Apr 12:05
Civil War rated  Bad
Overly reliant on posssesion of the cities, and its treatment of the North is clunky. Frankly it also doesn't reflect the actual Civil War very well either, unenjoyable overall.
#2 of 10
Wed 11th Apr 12:03
WarGear Warfare rated  Perfect
Can't beat the classics
#1 of 10