187 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
25-Apr-2024 09:18 For Frodo LoTR Middle Earth 8 Loss 16 1090
15-Feb-2024 13:04 dangerous business LOTGR 10 Loss 14 1106
05-Dec-2023 05:13 BV LOTGR 7 Loss 9 1120
25-Nov-2023 09:59 Potatoes!! LoTR Middle Earth 6 Win 146 1129
10-Nov-2023 16:18 Wandering LoTR Middle Earth 7 Loss 8 983
25-Sep-2023 09:07 P&P Pangaea and Panthalassa 8 Loss 11 991
19-Sep-2023 10:14 Westeros 8 player DAILY Risk of Thrones 8 Loss 14 1002
01-Aug-2023 18:45 6 LoTR Middle Earth 6 Loss 10 1016
29-Mar-2023 21:56 Middle Earth LoTR Middle Earth 5 Loss 14 1026
10-Mar-2023 19:52 blackcat WarGear Warfare 3 Win 56 1040
27-Feb-2023 20:27 blackcat WarGear Warfare 4 Loss 16 984
Initial Score1000
High score: 1129 / Low score: 983 / Longest Win Streak: 1