178 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
15-Oct-2010 19:44 World Across The Great Divide 10 Loss 8 978
30-Aug-2010 08:24 Fall of the Hobbits Lord of the Gears 5 Loss 15 986
10-Jun-2010 15:15 SAd New World Gear 4 Loss 24 1001
30-May-2010 23:57 Logout2 War 7 Loss 29 1025
20-May-2010 13:10 Battle royal Battle USA 5 Win 82 1054
17-May-2010 23:31 Its crowded in here. WarGear Warfare 10 Loss 8 972
14-May-2010 21:01 fast online now!! WarGear Warfare 3 Loss 20 980
Initial Score1000
High score: 1054 / Low score: 972 / Longest Win Streak: 1