184 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Kjeld


Pages:   12   (2 in total)
Fri 5th Mar 08:45
Castles rated  Superb
As always, Cramchakle paves the way in map making with an innovative new use of capitols to "level up" their associated continents.

Gameplay is deceptively simple, with more subtlety than many players realize. Grabbing a super-continent is critical for the win, but be careful not to set yourself up for an easy elimination!
#5 of 25
Thu 21st Jan 16:44
Infection rated  Superb
Excellent graphics and classic hordes game play. Be sure to consolidate some bonuses, but be careful not to spread yourself too thin or become such a threat that the other players band together to take you down. This board is well-balanced, so you can win from just about any corner - Europe, Australia, Africa, S. America, wherever really. Timing, diplomacy, and patience will all be tested in this classic map by Cramchakle.
#4 of 25
Thu 21st Jan 16:41
WarGear Warfare rated  Average
Better than the original because of the crisp graphic. Still basic game play, so only six stars.
#3 of 25
Thu 21st Jan 16:40
Gear Wars: Episode I rated  Great
A great dueling map, lots of fun, and excellent graphics. Don't get discouraged if you're the dark side -- the game has plenty of room for twists and turns, so concentrate on taking out your opponent's bonuses, make good use of your two fortifies, and remember that the Falcon and Darth Vader usually determine the game!
#2 of 25
Thu 21st Jan 16:23
Global Warfare rated  Fair
Basic, and therefore average. Also, the graphics aren't as slick as WarGear Warfare.
#1 of 25
Pages:   12   (2 in total)