177 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for MilesTeg


Pages:   12345   (5 in total)
Wed 23rd Mar 18:37
AstroGear 2210 rated  Good
The simplicity of this map is really what makes it. I've played a few games on it that have been quite interesting. Simple can definitely be good if it's done right.
#5 of 85
Wed 23rd Mar 18:35
Assassin rated  Good
Simple straight-forward map. Like it.
#4 of 85
Wed 23rd Mar 18:34
Ancient Isles of Kjeldor rated  Superb
One of my favorite maps on the site. Well done.
#3 of 85
Tue 8th Mar 20:49
Octagons rated  Superb
Takes a bit of time to really comprehend the concept, but overall I love this board. Well done.
#2 of 85
Tue 13th Jul 01:14
WarGear Warfare rated  Superb
Looks great. Plays great. I'm not really sure why a few people are upset about 6 sided dice vs 6 sided dice. I can only assume that they've never played the REAL risk game before. And @kaos94, unless you're some kind of Jedi or something, "throwing the dice in a different way" shouldn't yield different results in luck. That's the way the game works. And it is ENTIRELY possible to lose 30 against 2. The difference is, in the real world, you don't have the option to do all of your rolls automatically. You have to roll each and every time manually. After you lose a stupid amount of armies, you tend to just decide to move on elsewhere most of the time. Anyone that has played the real thing knows the wonderful sensation of holding off their buddy's hoard army with their little encampment of 3 and laughing each roll of the dice. :) This is by far the best classic risk game on the site. Love it. Great work. Look forward to playing on more of your maps.
#1 of 85
Pages:   12345   (5 in total)