177 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Mongrel


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Wed 23rd Jun 20:37
Rent is Due Again rated  Superb
Nothing fancy, but the success of RID is in the board layout. The number and severity of choke points force difficult and interesting decisions of room taking/breaking in the early game, and player cooperation in the end game. the +1's sprinkled throughout are really useful early on for gaining income without taking the whole room. Sure, the arrows are strange, but what attacks to what is fairly intuitive. I am also a HUGE advocate for small boards that minimize the number of boring rounds, and RID gets to the good stuff quickly.
One of the few "standard" maps I enjoy playing- a fantastic 3 to 5 player board. Now, port Chimps in Space!
#14 of 54
Sun 13th Jun 03:17
Road Warrior rated  Good
The USA version of this map was brilliant. Can't put my finger on why this board fails in the way Fallout USA succeeds- just haven't enjoyed the layout as much. 10 for innovation, 4 for fun.
#13 of 54
Sun 13th Jun 03:12
Castles rated  Perfect
Absolutely ingenious. The use of capitals, artillery and view only borders is intuitive and enhances the standard land-grab style. The unit cap on the castles ensures they cannot be misused. Perfect.
#12 of 54
Thu 10th Jun 21:13
I love the hordes! style, and ABITW uses it perfectly. This was a map that was out for a while, I never played, then kicked myself for not playing it sooner. Bonuses grow quickly and can be torn down just as fast. I played a game with a good group (designer included), I was on the verge of elimination, and came all the way back to win. A couple more games and I was completely convinced, that ABITW answers, affirmatively, the all-encompassing question: "Is it fun?"

ABITW is loads of fun.

Footnote: Black SHOULD NOT be color for this map. There was a player ninja'd beside the center break in the wall that I couldn't find- although I could see he still had 1 territory- cost me an elimination, and gave me a headache.
#11 of 54
Wed 9th Jun 16:27
Circles of Death rated  Average
Close your eyes, cross your fingers, and throw the dice.

All but one of my games were decided before contact, based on initial neutral bashing. With a very small number of options at each turn, and loads of neutrals to get through, the game seems strategically equivalent to rock-paper-scissors, without the head games. Put it this way. Assuming that there are equal chances of grabbing the first continent bonus the first turn (which I think is decently balanced), then both players need to either roll well or roll poorly for this thing to not be essentially over after the first turn. So that means only 50% of the games have a chance at something interesting.

The board is clean, the fill layer is understated (a good thing), and it always feels good to win, but CoD doesn't for it for me. Keep at it though WT! I'm happy to try your new creations.
#10 of 54
Wed 9th Jun 00:32
Duck Hunt rated  Good
Beautiful look to it, first of it's kind to use artillery in a novel way, and once you figure it out, it's fun! UNTIL... you really figure it out.
#9 of 54
Wed 9th Jun 00:11
Wargear: The Gathering rated  Great
At first, I had no idea what I was doing. With a couple games I realized that the board was actually very intuitive, the special cards having special properties is great, and that they can be used in conjunction is also very clever (return to attack is important here). Then I realized that once turn-ins become too large, the game will never end. Even with the blitz attack style, the triple of unit caps, high defense of the back column, and limited attacks makes makes it so the threatened player can fend off an advance until the cards are big enough to turn the whole thing into a giant stalemate. This has happened in at least two games of mine (blitzing as I should), and has been mentioned by others. An "overwhelm by bonus" way of winning would remedy these stalemates and could be achieved a few ways.

Otherwise a creative and well thought-out offering by RB.
#8 of 54
Tue 8th Jun 23:38
Horse rated  Good
Good if you like to gamble, but you gotta go all in. Some mild bonus management, taking the B-ballers is safe and allows easier access to the letters. The light fog is right, and that the hoop allows full vision on the letters is a nice touch. With the game over in less than ten rounds, poor rolling early can put you significantly behind, then you have to hope the top two players go at it, but with limited attacks, it's usually better to protect/build your nook than go after an opponents bonus. I think I liked the board better without capitals, but that version suffered from games that never end. Horse is a crisp clean-looking map with a sensible layout.

I also like the vulgar table names with the word "Horse" in it.

As it stands, decent. There's enough to the board to be enjoyable. If you want a good game of chicken, then this is the board for you.
#7 of 54
Tue 8th Jun 21:51
Plink rated  Superb
I thought it up, so of course I like it, but I'm not going to tell you why I like it. Just try it out and you wont be disappointed. Thanks to Nygma for doing the legwork.
#6 of 54
Tue 8th Jun 21:45
Pirate Gear rated  Great
My favorite of the Yertle series. The combination of return to attack, fortify within connected, and the strength/reach/accessibility of the pirate ship means you have to carefully distribute units along coastlines. I just like holding a bomb somewhere that I can advance to the front lines immediately, to exact psychological warfare on my opponents. Also I get a kick out of the light pastel colors, considering pirates committed some of the most heinous crimes against humanity in recorded history.
#5 of 54
Tue 8th Jun 21:32
Tree of Life rated  Superb
A quick, fun little map. Many territories with two connections, two territories with many connections really lends itself to some great dynamics. Each player must decide early which branch they can capture, vital for survival. Tension builds as more and more branches are secured, then.... BOOM!

Cards and elimination bonuses are just right for a map of this size. I used to rock at this board, now I get rocked in any table I join. Ported from WF, TOL is a no-frills map for anyone who wants a basic map that plays differently than RISK but is still enjoyable.
#4 of 54
Tue 8th Jun 21:19
Capitalism rated  Good
Capitalism employs an extremely innovative set of dice mods to simulate monopoly dice as you move around the board (6,7,8 easy, 4,5,9,10 harder 1,2,11,12 tough) Throw in the mix bonus producing houses, factories, CEO's, and a gov't building, special connections, luxury taxes that can affect monopoly and industry bonuses, and you have limitless options. An epic undertaking, Capitalism is a board to be studied.

This is a big board for all you empire-growing types out there. It just doesn't grab me in that special way.
#3 of 54
Tue 8th Jun 20:53
Vertigo rated  Perfect
The cumberdale classic is back.
#2 of 54
Tue 4th May 13:41
Spy vs Spy rated  Perfect
I thought an interesting 2 player turn based map was not possible- I was wrong.

I thought 5v8 dice would not provide enough incentive to attack your opponent- wrong again.

While this style of play has been cooking for a long time (eloquently titled low-unit block'ems), Nygma put together something that really works. Rarely a boring turn, which is rare. Games are quick and to the point.

It should also be mentioned that Spies makes other aspects of the site enjoyable. I love going through the histories and watching Kjeld - Hugh or Alpha - Nygma match wits, or discussing a match on the forums.

Enter skeptical, leave enthralled.

Adding a 10th star. After almost 500 plays the strategies continue to evolve.

My #1 all time favorite board.
#1 of 54
Pages:   123   (3 in total)