189 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Neros


Tue 10th May 14:18
Fallout rated  Superb
I love this map though New Montreal was a nasty surprise my fist game.

I've played it a number of times and found it to a very tricky highly technical game each time.

I experimented with fog but found that the negatives make it far too easy to get in a fight with another player to early and both go down. I have yet to try light fog.

With no fog though this is a great board to play with experienced players. New players will have a hard time navigating the most effective way of reducing others bonuses but don't really bring the rest of the game down.

I like this a bit more than road warrior because I feel there are more good defensible areas.
#4 of 4
Tue 10th May 14:06
Communicating Doors rated  Good
I like the concept but felt the game went very fast.

A few people had good starts and just expanded rapidly through the whole game, no defense or recovery was possible.

It might be interesting to try light fog or limited attacks or something. It's also possible that the game I was in was unusual rather than the norm.
#3 of 4
Tue 10th May 14:01
Hordes of Africa rated  Superb
One of my favorites. Really mixes things up with the limited attacks. Graphics are top notch as well.
#2 of 4
Tue 5th Oct 02:28
Holy Land rated  Great
Very nice.

I love the convoluted paths one can take to maximize the cross bonuses when attacking. I also like how the crosses make setting up a defense tricky because it's strength depends on where the attack comes from, making setting up a chokepoint non-trivial.

The hordes bonus was a nice touch as well and the areas in which 4 crosses touch proved interesting tactical points.

The lowest continent might be a bit over-powered though. I was able to control it, Palestine and a decent hordes bonus with only 5 border territories total.
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