187 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for StepOnMe


Wed 16th Jun 00:39
Darts rated  Perfect
I cannot help myself on this board...literally & figuratively! I love everything about it. The graphics are great, the gameplay is very challenging especially when you're up against players like Mongrel who know how to manipulate you without you even realizing it and the balance is perfect, which I hear is very hard to do with a 2-player game. There's no set way to play, so apart from my plummeting board ranking it's like I have a clean slate every game!

Very nicely done EN!
#5 of 5
Wed 31st Mar 23:39
New World Gear rated  Great
A great board with a cool twist from the original RISK to make it more unique while avoiding any copyright issues. Graphics & cards are fun, game play is easy to pick up, and transferring is perfect for this board. Only negative I can see is that the larger bonuses are almost not worth going for because the entire map is so easily accessible that players can eliminate each other simply by attacking and turning in cards. Regardless, it's a great board to play with any number of players.
#4 of 5
Wed 31st Mar 23:34
Resident Wargear rated  Perfect
An awesome board that never gets old and somehow always seems to creep me out a bit with the fog covering who's where with how many armies.
#3 of 5
Wed 31st Mar 23:31
WarGear Warfare rated  Perfect
I'd say this board is perfect because it's much like how a board for RISK should look with clean graphics, simple yet fun cards, and the colors and continent bonuses won't overwhelm new-to-RISK-players.
#2 of 5
Wed 31st Mar 23:26
Antastic! rated  Great
One of the great boards I enjoyed on WF. So many ways to play that it never gets old or boring, and I enjoy feeling like an ant while playing. :)
#1 of 5