180 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
01-May-2020 10:04 what else is there to do? Colossal Crusade 16 Loss 9 944
21-Apr-2020 10:11 The Sweet Embrace Colossal Crusade 12 Loss 7 953
10-Apr-2020 10:50 Spring is here! Risk of Thrones 8 Loss 12 960
24-May-2019 09:26 Either you win, or you die. Risk of Thrones 8 Loss 14 972
09-May-2019 11:35 The Iron Throne Risk of Thrones 8 Loss 14 986
Initial Score1000
High score: 986 / Low score: 944 / Longest Win Streak: