181 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for The Cooler


Mon 28th Oct 22:57
War Of The Roses rated  Superb
As a huge fan of "King Maker", this is a great homage to original. For those of you who want a little more complexity with your "Risk", then look no further. It's a perfect blend of the two! Many great opportunities to employ a great variety of strategies.

My only complaint is the heraldry is very different than the original and for me it was a bit confusing. I understand the need to combine some of the families for game play, but to assign them in some cases to a different family doesn't feel right. Neville is a much more powerful family than this board betrays. They were in the end the true Kingmakers of the "War of the Roses" period as they went from one house to the other as well as one heir to another.

All that said an absolute Superb board and I recommend it highly.... Two enthusiastic thumbs up!
#7 of 7
Fri 30th Nov 15:45
Game of Hordes! rated  Fair
Nice graphically but other than that not much to the board. It's a little to easy to be eliminated after only one turn let alone right off the bat. Everything to do with seat position and less to do with real stratergy.
#6 of 7
Fri 30th Nov 15:41
Europe 1560 rated  Great
Another great board for statergy, however I will dito some of the other comments made. Needs to be played with fog and for a real challenge alot of players. Not an easy board to win.
#5 of 7
Fri 30th Nov 15:37
Squirrels of Suburbia rated  Superb
I dito what Cona Chris said. If you are in to stratergy to win a game and not rely on chance than this is your board. I highly recomend it for anyone looking for a challenge.
#4 of 7
Mon 26th Nov 16:59
Electoral College rated  Average
I'm not sure about the swing state idea. It ends up creating holes in the map because they are so hard to defend. I like the concept of the Electorial College and would love to see it reflect the actual # of electorial votes available ie depicting all congressional districts or change the numbers awarded to reflect that states electorial prize. I would also love to see the game determined by getting and holding the magic 270 for a full round to win the game. Everyone then has a chance to prevent the going over the top. Otherwise this is just a more advance version of the "Battle of the States" boards.
#3 of 7
Tue 24th Apr 16:41
Battle USA rated  Good
A good basic map that is a lot of fun. Has the same issues as the original map in that your random starting position means everything.
#2 of 7
Fri 20th Apr 18:10
Hordes of China rated  Superb
I realy like this Board. Alot of time and effort has obviously been put into it. Great graphics and game play with Simulgear. I don't recommend the reg. Turn based option. One issue however is that instead of an advantage to attacking Barbarian Ter. from Chinese Ter. (as stated in the description) it instead discourages such attacks(current ratio is 75% - 70%). What about a ratio of 75% - 60% or 65%? Also I would change the Bar Ter -Bar Ter to the 75% - 70% ratio.

I also would love a Feudal Vs of the same board with the following suggestions: 1)Have the territory names reflect the time period, 2)have the Player Color correspond with a particular House, and 3)have the choice of House correspond with specific starting territories. ( I would limit the # of Houses to 5 or 6).

Just My Ideas,
#1 of 7