201 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Opponent Played Won Lost Drawn Win% WinLoss%
Snoochie Boochies 11 1 10
Slander 10 1 2 7 10.0% 33.3%
Mad Bomber 9 3 6
Quazimoto 7 2 5
wernermok 6 1 5
Dud 6 2 4
TheSalientOne 6 6
Rasputin 6 1 5
Genesis 5 5
midge87 5 1 4 20.0% 100.0%
Monty 5 1 2 2 20.0% 33.3%
Mine 5 3 2
Mladen92pn 5 5
rhcp11 5 5
Levowsky 5 3 2
YuriZ 5 1 4 20.0% 20.0%
Spillo 5 2 3
TKDave 4 1 2 1 25.0% 33.3%
RiskyBack 4 1 1 2 25.0% 50.0%
Viper 4 1 3
Kingkiller 4 1 3
phelbas 4 4
GogglesPizano 4 1 3
Wonder Woman 4 4
FurBabe 4 1 3
R K A 4 1 3
poloquebec 4 4
zdisabled36 4 1 2 1 25.0% 33.3%
west11 3 1 2
wbush 3 3
MojoManiac 3 1 2 33.3% 100.0%
pretor 3 1 2
brylong 3 1 2
akayu 3 1 2
Annihilate 3 1 1 1 33.3% 50.0%
AttilaTheHun 3 1 2
Bluedemon 3 3
j-bomb 3 3
mzungu06 3 3
KrocK 3 3
rcnick4 3 3
BorisTheFrugal 3 3
getsome 3 3
Jonathan 3 3
Skye 3 2 1
uitslaapteiger 3 3
Charles Khan 3 1 2
riis 3 3
Midnight Society 3 3
Lord Of Cups 3 1 1 1 33.3% 50.0%
D-KingZ 3 2 1
Reverend Justito 3 3
SillyBastard 3 3
M57 3 3
Epstein 3 3
Warrior Mentor 3 2 1 66.7% 100.0%
hawaiianhomegrown 3 1 2
Vidoviti Milan 2 1 1
Pax Africanus 2 1 1
Garistotle 2 2
Djembe 2 1 1
Lock Step 2 1 1 50.0% 100.0%
DylanJack 2 2
ivanfly 2 2
KyleJKimber 2 2
Luieuil 2 2
Saiyan 2 2
Paulville 2 1 1 50.0% 50.0%
Clix 2 2
sputnik 2 2
luvero 2 2
darklord 2 1 1
zdisabled_a7d9cf9e 2 2
Panpan 2 1 1
cap108 2 2
Z3r0c00L 2 1 1
fiveRocketCars 2 2
e 2 1 1
twizzalicious 2 2
irishfury01 2 2
arouser 2 2
Scottish Legend 2 2
zolliuos 2 2
Jigen 2 1 1
JimmyPT 2 2
Vulpis 2 2
bmind 2 2
Exploding Rodent 2 1 1
Apocalypse 2 1 1
fordin 2 2
kawe 2 2
H0bb3s 2 2
bombsaway201 2 1 1
DCush93 2 1 1
pwablunky 2 2
FastyBlasty69 2 2
kidamnesiac 2 2
KillDawg 2 2
Sun Tzu Jr 2 1 1
Jigler 2 2
GibDog 2 1 1
DBA72 2 1 1
Deacon Blues 2 2
Woody 2 2
ChumpStain 2 2
morethanmachine 2 2
GrandMaster B 2 2
Raptor 2 2
dirkiebush 2 2
powerbrain 2 2
Bruni 2 2
haysmike3333 2 2
samshbros13 2 2
mqrisk 2 1 1
Helmut 2 2
timmy888 2 1 1 50.0% 100.0%
Disco 2 2
Odin 2 2
Bad Wolf 2 2
Sinbad 2 2
Terminatah 2 1 1 50.0% 100.0%
zdisabled25 2 1 1
Scipio 2 2
kllukca 2 1 1
Warf 2 2
Swarmbill 2 2
corvo013 2 2
greyblue 2 2
camajan 2 2
Samurai7 1 1
Vacano 1 1
Leetz 1 1
Edward Nygma 1 1
Conan 1 1
ml10 1 1
billings88 1 1
Sooner 1 1
dido1410 1 1
Smell My Face 1 1
Majyck 1 1
hunthart09 1 1
MilesTeg 1 1
Carnifex 1 1
ivana1989 1 1
Fedora 1 1
Rip42o 1 1
cjwagner 1 1
doukhobar 1 1
Jubjub Bird 1 1
Pelonza 1 1
DjSoccer 1 1
vadik 1 1
ski 1 1
Hoddoh 1 1
RemyThePitBull 1 1
ddeacon53 1 1
napeleon1975 1 1
Frank the Tank 1 1
elkabib 1 1
rgonzale 1 1
Skelement 1 1
Dexter 1 1
penguinrappers 1 1
calebandrew42 1 1
CiscoKid 1 1
frankthetank 1 1
JohnDoh 1 1
Hruberen 1 1
Davidny212 1 1
BlackDog 1 1
Jupiter 1 1
Crandawg 1 1
FenwaySteve 1 1
pugilist82 1 1
Whoobs 1 1
ChannelGeneral 1 1
Tesctassa II 1 1
farmerdan 1 1
goose 1 1
LOLRED 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
Ghenghis 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
Milk-Man 1 1
Megamillions 1 1
Mexican 1 1
E5 1 1
aniketitis 1 1
Stewie 1 1
GPS 1 1
Andyrue 1 1
whyrat 1 1
munchtastic 1 1
mmcdonnell 1 1
aniketkno 1 1
Pubies 1 1
zdisabled13 1 1
Mare 1 1
Slacash 1 1
zdisabled_bd0bea75 1 1
bdf101 1 1
Gooden 1 1
toolman4052 1 1
shackdaddy 1 1
uids 1 1
AdamN 1 1
hikarugenji 1 1
saqer1410 1 1
Mangler 1 1
Genghis Jhon 1 1
Kagutsuchi 1 1
Switch-off 1 1
civilmurph 1 1
Sweat Pant Boner 1 1
alsobe3y 1 1
thidwick 1 1
Gimli 1 1
Ardinos 1 1
dusz 1 1
Moose 1 1
wagnercj 1 1
Nemesis 1 1
Cyrus The Great 1 1
Bouchon 1 1
Soap 1 1
baraking 1 1
falker1976 1 1
Pink Fuzzy 1 1
stratego2000 1 1
Aloner 1 1
Seige07 1 1
maddox 1 1
philosoraptor 1 1
lissandro 1 1
BTdubs 1 1
Yertle 1 1
BKTorch 1 1
twickey 1 1
KingKearns 1 1
mossey 1 1
Red1 1 1
Chteny 1 1
Renno 1 1
CK66 1 1
Lord Adam 1 1
bruiser 1 1
STC1188 1 1
hoss delgato 1 1
7usam 1 1
Kit-chan 1 1
Hardratta 1 1
LuBu 1 1
Stang13 1 1
gfargo 1 1
TheStargazer 1 1
chessdirector 1 1
ervilha57 1 1
pinkesh 1 1
ronshippau 1 1
bonuba 1 1
ddjdevi 1 1
Ceggon 1 1
crazyivan2010 1 1
Pfaff 1 1
effthisnoise 1 1
billythebrick 1 1
jenkinswoody 1 1
ahillies 1 1
Shoron88660 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
ajs1321 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
Popelli 1 1
petifile 1 1
Wiimka 1 1
Edweird 1 1
Papa Bear 1 1
the regulator 1 1
tplarue 1 1
069 1 1
No Inspiration 1 1
Moldy 1 1
Trabi 1 1
Kas 1 1
ratsy 1 1
Amidon37 1 1
phil80 1 1
smess2 1 1
PresidentSkroob 1 1
TomM 1 1
ThaddeusJP 1 1
Penelope 1 1
Brousse Wino 1 1
znitz23 1 1
SquintGnome 1 1
cmaz13 1 1
AK47 1 1
Phoenixx 1 1
sina sepahi 1 1
Rico1 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
MulletHunter 1 1
atswinner 1 1
Sunshine 1 1
Silent-Strike 1 1
DerErwinRommel 1 1
Tommy 1 1
col cracker 1 1
sportlust 1 1
kapatasan210575 1 1
ricardo 1 1
eagle10 1 1
tbizztstack 1 1
zdisabled46 1 1
brandnew99 1 1
Tungboo 1 1
heil 1 1
AceKing719 1 1
Superscot 1 1
IRsmart 1 1
Zyglrox 1 1
Camyen 1 1
Johnny B Good 1 1
Black 1 1
ChaosReigns 1 1
AKeeFa 1 1
Ensignman 1 1
Unstable 1 1
DJ Moleman 1 1
smoke 1 1
starfist 1 1
glukkongus 1 1
Sekatorius 1 1
Valentorg 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
TheBlackMamba 1 1
Neros 1 1
Rique1972 1 1
Merlin 1 1
MJSetele 1 1
Hunk 1 1
cuerragos 1 1
Bilbo1 1 1
KING887 1 1
benjie 1 1
Shock And Awe 1 1
FiveStars 1 1
hoterpone 1 1
jamir 1 1
The tomspeed 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
zdisabled_5a0dd511 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
unavitabellissima 1 1
bearcatj01 1 1
LuvBrotha 1 1
klauriel28 1 1
Dunkelzahn 1 1
CMontgomery 1 1
Plentyenuf 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
PleaseDie 1 1
grlehman 1 1
dietcokecan 1 1
CaptainSauve 1 1
UncleBubby 1 1
BOOM-ShakaLaka-GoesTheDynamite 1 1
Avon 1 1
emz 1 1 100.0% 100.0%
Timmay 1 1
TacoTruk 1 1
thor-and-his-mighty-hammer 1 1
schiltron uk 1 1
Mr Burns 1 1
Adahlie 1 1
awroten79 1 1
Gesundheit 1 1
F34R 1 1
The Scandinator 1 1
DonkeyKongOn 1 1
Herrrrmans 1 1
Gluckman 1 1
PinkFlamingo 1 1
goda 1 1
sirheinsic 1 1
dangerbird 1 1
Mzunghu 1 1
yummins 1 1
danasteele 1 1
BigShasta 1 1
cecilcable 1 1
zdisabled_c75863b1 1 1
Muscus 1 1
Sneaky Mom 1 1
GreenPower 1 1
Fluffy 1 1
kopara 1 1
OneshotOnekill 1 1
The Chairman 1 1
xEnderx 1 1
captnmorgan123 1 1
zdisabled_009233ec 1 1
chiennn 1 1
Just a loyal friend 1 1
Captain Insano 1 1
b36torshavn 1 1
blackoutmega 1 1
Achilles 1 1
F10 1 1
Serbian Terrordactyl 1 1
Grendel 1 1
chow3 1 1
misterx9 1 1
jlpalumbo 1 1
uberdabing 1 1
wargasm 1 1
malnut 1 1
belcharlie 1 1
TheTick 1 1