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chicken slayer chicken slayer is offline now
Rank Lieutenant Lieutenant
Membership Type Standard
Player #35240
Joined WarGear 2nd Jul 2015
Last Visit 13th May 2020 11:13
Championship Points -
Global Ranking Score 918 (#2692)
Monthly Score -
Team Score 1049
H Rating 40%
Average turn time 2 hours 4m
Boots (last 30 days) 0 boots
Win Streak (Best) 0 (8)
Elimination Streak (Best) 0 (11)
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chicken slayer's Achievements

  • Marine (Play 1000 Public Games)
  • Competent (Win 500 Public Games)
  • Team Expert (Play 10 Public Team Games)
  • Got Your Back (Win 10 Public Team Games)
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  • Elder (Had an account for > 3 years)
  • Rampage (Eliminate 10 players in succession)
  • Multi Winstreak (Win 5 games in succession)
  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Fogged Up (Played a game on every Fog Type)
  • Detective (Won a game on a Foggy Map)
  • Lighthouse Keeper (Won a game on every Fog Type)
  • Toe Dipper (Trialled Premium Membership)
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Pages:   1   (1 in total)
28th Mar 2020 13:56
Message from lord of wargear
started another if you wanna go again
#13 of 13
27th Dec 2017 19:34
Message from Dud
Yep....goes offline when losing. Confirmed.
#12 of 13
3rd Sep 2017 15:41
Message from Lugenious26
that was funny i thought it would be me you greg remus but greg was on and jumped on my team.....hahahaha
#11 of 13
18th Jul 2017 23:42
Message from Americanese
I just played rayray with camel. Fucking cheats
#10 of 13
4th Jul 2017 12:18
Message from Der Panzer
Chicken get you ass in the team invite game!
#9 of 13
6th Jun 2017 18:06
Message from Der Panzer
Chicken you pissed at me Brother? Man I hope I didn't offend you my friend! You're my Buddy! I was only goofin'. I'm truly sorry if I pissed you off man, I was just trying to get a laugh from you Brother.
#8 of 13
4th Jun 2017 11:22
Message from Der Panzer
I see Rick 12 has learned the lesson about Bombs and Ivan that most of us already know. I think they are the same guy.
#7 of 13
4th Jun 2017 11:21
Message from Der Panzer
Chicken. God's gift of cheap, plentiful meat to Mankind. And you can grow the shit in your yard for pennies a day!!
#6 of 13
20th May 2017 15:53
Message from Lance99
Avoid games with bombsaway & crazy ivan. They are apparently neighbors. They always team up.
#5 of 13
16th May 2016 22:27
Message from Rick12
Goes offline when losing
#4 of 13
16th May 2016 12:10
Message from Rick12
Has no idea how game works
#3 of 13
15th Apr 2016 14:02
Message from MinnesotaFreeze
good player, enjoy his challenge he brings.
#2 of 13
23rd Aug 2015 17:17
Message from Alexanderthegreat1
Win record vs chicken slayer 14 / 19 (74%)
#1 of 13
Pages:   1   (1 in total)