178 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
Date Time Game Name Board Name Players Result Delta Score
08-Aug-2019 20:32 Fast Colossal Crusade 2 Loss 14 974
31-Jan-2019 18:11 WW World War 2 Loss 10 988
30-Jan-2019 16:37 WW World War 2 Loss 11 998
30-Jan-2019 16:40 fast Colossal Crusade 2 Loss 10 1009
26-Sep-2014 07:34 the mean streets of .... town. Fortress 6 Loss 10 1019
21-Oct-2013 23:06 Bewitched WarGear Warfare 2 Win 29 1029
Initial Score1000
High score: 1029 / Low score: 974 / Longest Win Streak: 1