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multiplasma multiplasma is offline now
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Player #22348
Joined WarGear 7th Dec 2012
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Pages:   123   (3 in total)
20th Jul 2021 05:53
Message from Aiken Drumn
Be a Bear! http://www.wargear.net/games/join/800714
#43 of 43
15th Apr 2014 21:30
Message from Master Chief
It's cool, I'm sure it was an honest mistake
#42 of 43
15th Apr 2014 11:40
Message from Master Chief
And then you go and kill me off entirely anyways?? I don't have premium so I answered you here, gosh
#41 of 43
14th Apr 2014 10:54
Message from Master Chief
I agree to your truce in the Europe 1561-game. I will not attack you
#40 of 43
6th Apr 2014 15:22
Message from civilmurph
If you expect an alliance to last till the end then you will always get burned. You should plan for the invasion.
#39 of 43
27th Mar 2014 23:47
Message from Kevin m
#38 of 43
6th Feb 2014 18:11
Message from Tyrakus
I think that will be to both our benefit....but I say 2 turn notice if that works
#37 of 43
6th Jan 2014 09:26
Sure, that all works for me.
#36 of 43
4th Jan 2014 11:29
Hey, we are neighbors in the game http://www.wargear.net/games/player/323926. I am trying to get the Italy bonus. I do not plan to attack you in Spain or Northern Africa, I propose a truce between us, with a one turn warning before either of us breaks it. I would appreciate if you would transfer your units out of the Italy bonus territories. The benefit to you, is that I will be a buffer between you and orange. What do you say?
#35 of 43
28th Dec 2013 10:38
Message from Kimon
granada is part of spain. i won't leave it undefended, but neither will i use any of those armies to attack you in africa unless you force me to.
#34 of 43
23rd Dec 2013 09:39
Message from Kimon
okay, but that would obviously require your withdrawal from majorca.
#33 of 43
23rd Oct 2013 08:07
Message from berickf
I hope you can get into North America, because he completely took and defended South America as well now and also broke most my bonus.
#32 of 43
7th Oct 2013 08:51
Message from limburg
Still over 120 in one city and i gues he has equal numbers in the remaining 3 cities. + he should have a turn in this round
#31 of 43
6th Oct 2013 17:46
Message from limburg
well I just took out 140 units in the east, i didn't feel like waiting for his rampage.. thats exactly what he does, wait for other player to weaken each other while he tries to look harmless with only a few cities.. but now i've wasted his 140 just to get a +3 bonus I think he will realize it aint working and he'll probably explode one of the next rounds.
#30 of 43
5th Oct 2013 07:12
Message from limburg
dam he's got like over a 100 units in every city I see.. he wants us to think he's not worth fighting over untill he see's an upportunitie again.. (most have been a good tactic untill now, looking at his rank)
#29 of 43
4th Oct 2013 09:56
Message from limburg
yeah forgot about the game, thought i would have time in the evening to play but had obligations and I forgot ^^
#28 of 43
29th Sep 2013 16:18
Message from limburg
well the game could go everyones way now I think so maybe it would be fairest that it's everyone for himself now? but I hope green goes out first :p
#27 of 43
29th Sep 2013 10:43
Message from limburg
well actually Green may never have gotten the chance to take out blue. You gave him the chance by maken a mistake :p
#26 of 43
24th Sep 2013 01:12
Message from markuse
ok, we can do it.
#25 of 43
10th Sep 2013 18:28
Message from limburg
good by me ;)
#24 of 43
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