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multiplasma multiplasma is offline now
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Player #22348
Joined WarGear 7th Dec 2012
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Pages:   123   (3 in total)
20th Jul 2013 09:45
Message from limburg
haven't seen it
#23 of 43
17th Jul 2013 14:37
Message from limburg
if you have a turn in, try and take me out, am in italy/eastern europe with a few units left
#22 of 43
17th Jul 2013 01:08
Message from limburg
if you have any troops left push into russia and take away blue's bonusses cause he has almost certainly won.. did as much damage as i could but he just has to much..
#21 of 43
16th Jul 2013 04:07
Message from limburg
sure why not, i could use the troops in the south, they keep bashing my def, taking away my bonus :/
#20 of 43
13th Jul 2013 03:23
Message from limburg
haha no :p I just seem to get a lot of units there, almost every time I play this map.. And i almost always try to get something in the south or the north because its easier to defend and you get more units.. but i can't seem to get it this time though, grayballs is being ennoying :(
#19 of 43
5th Jun 2013 03:18
Message from limburg
join my team if you can http://www.wargear.net/games/join/275092
#18 of 43
29th May 2013 12:32
Message from limburg
yeah luckily he didn't attack he :). well you can give him extra units if you want its al up to you, this game should be over within 3 rounds with my units income... but if you do i would recommend you stack your 8 in asia and attack japan to connect with Kingrichard in America and give your remaining units to him once you've done that, that way he can continue the attack in NA
#17 of 43
23rd May 2013 03:55
Message from limburg
i'd say it would be better that you investigate every aspect of the indonesian culture first ;). No use in going into China, there are at least 5 different players there. Just make sure you've got at least 10 defense at the end of your turn (like Kingrichard and me), so don't keep attacking if the dice aren't in you favor just to get the bonus :p
#16 of 43
18th May 2013 18:56
Message from limburg
Move your 8 to iraq,if i still have it next round. My 17 is strong enough, you focus on indonesia ;-)
#15 of 43
16th May 2013 13:06
Message from limburg
np, nothing bad happend this round, although you almost lost your australian bonus there..(i added 2 extra units) you only had 6 units in def. Know that if he has a turn in a player has at least 10 units so your def should be at least +10 units so don't go to fast. if the defense of only one of us fails,we could all lose our bonusses.
#14 of 43
14th May 2013 12:06
Message from limburg
hi multi can you give Kingrichard 2 units in peru next round? i don't wanna take any chances loosing my bonuses if some1 gets through.. i'll give you 2 units back on my turn
#13 of 43
9th May 2013 07:59
Message from limburg
well he had 9 troops there this round but i was able to take him out. go for australia
#12 of 43
4th May 2013 05:48
Message from limburg
aight, will do. lets see how we spawn first and who our other teamm8 is
#11 of 43
3rd May 2013 05:47
Message from limburg
join up http://www.wargear.net/games/join/264839
#10 of 43
2nd May 2013 13:19
Message from limburg
btw how much units does he still have in scandinavia :s?
#9 of 43
2nd May 2013 13:18
Message from limburg
did that guy tk you or what :/? the game is for pink though.. he had NA for a couple of rounds though and we couldnt stop him.. yeah having bad teamm8s really ruins those games, good team work is much more important than just having good players on your team. next time just join my team ;)
#8 of 43
28th Apr 2013 13:24
Message from limburg
Matcherobi of T3 has NA and a part of SA while green of T3 has indonesia and australia and a small part of SA I am asking my team m8 to stop fighting with you guys in Africa or the game will be over in 1 rounds.. (he hasn't responded yet though) but see i you can get into SA, we are trying to hit NA but haven't got through yet http://www.wargear.net/games/view/256256
#7 of 43
7th Apr 2013 08:47
Message from limburg
join up ;) http://www.wargear.net/games/join/256256
#6 of 43
30th Mar 2013 19:18
Message from Grayballs
That last game you were referring to I didn't attack you a second time(I cleaned up some of your troops that were 1's in the Balkans. At this point the game is screwed and I figure I will rebuild my reputation with you over time. Again my apologies. The game is hard to play without agreements and you can't have agreements without trust.
#5 of 43
20th Mar 2013 09:22
Message from limburg
those troops aren't there for you. was afraid that white would go trough you to attack me cause you had zero defence between him and my england bonus...
#4 of 43
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