179 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for neneleking


Wed 4th May 01:55
Medieval Europe rated  Perfect
Nice board!!
#10 of 10
Tue 3rd May 03:25
Expanding Europe rated  Superb
#9 of 10
Thu 28th Apr 02:25
Castles rated  Superb
cool board
#8 of 10
Tue 26th Apr 22:46
Dnaleri rated  Average
pas mal!!
#7 of 10
Tue 26th Apr 11:13
GearStorm rated  Great
#6 of 10
Tue 26th Apr 08:47
Micro Mission rated  Fair
pas top!!
#5 of 10
Tue 26th Apr 07:38
Battle USA rated  Great
good map
#4 of 10
Tue 26th Apr 04:15
WarGear Warfare rated  Superb
#3 of 10
Tue 26th Apr 04:12
Axes and Allies rated  Average
#2 of 10
Tue 19th Apr 16:30
Mobs of New York rated  Perfect
super cool
#1 of 10