205 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for sirheinsic


Mon 6th Feb 11:10
Battle for New York rated  Fair
cards went up way too fast in our game.
#14 of 14
Mon 6th Feb 11:08
Chutes and Ladders rated  Average
pretty interesting dynamics
#13 of 14
Mon 6th Feb 11:06
Happy Holidays! rated  Bad
#12 of 14
Wed 23rd Nov 21:11
Europe 1560 rated  Terrible
cards got pretty insane pretty fast (in a bad way). 0 elimination bonus is dumb. you get 60 units for taking 1 country per turn and 0 for actually killing someone.
#11 of 14
Mon 21st Nov 10:52
pretty weird gameplay
#10 of 14
Fri 11th Nov 23:04
4Play rated  Poor
other peoples luck matters too much
#9 of 14
Sun 6th Nov 17:32
Fall of Rome rated  Good
outside territory is a little odd, but seemed to play fine.
#8 of 14
Sun 6th Nov 11:31
Tower Defense rated  Poor
not a big fan on the tower unit caps.
#7 of 14
Sat 5th Nov 23:53
World War rated  Good
solid map.
#6 of 14
Sat 5th Nov 23:52
GearStorm rated  Good
interesting gameplay, picking starting countries is a cool feature.
#5 of 14
Sat 5th Nov 23:51
Battle USA rated  Bad
initial positioning matters too much
#4 of 14
Sat 5th Nov 23:51
Colossal Crusade rated  Perfect
best map.
#3 of 14
Sat 5th Nov 23:49
Captain's Log rated  Good
fun concept, initial position seems to be determining factor though.
#2 of 14
Sat 5th Nov 23:46
3-Legged Race rated  Fair
just dont really like the end game.
#1 of 14