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Pages:   «««9899100101102103104105106»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated ScorePoints
3031 Private United States hellokittyhotstuff 34 4 30 12% 56% 949 0 871 22 Apr 2014 16 14030
3032 Private United States Quinae 258 33 225 13% 35% 0 0 871 24 Jan 2023 111 6120
3033 Private Venezuela aguilaelectrica 26 4 22 15% 31% 892 1000 870 22 Jun 2023 11 9731
3034 Private United States House Ballou 41 2 39 5% 5% 0 979 870 05 Jul 2024 2 6600
3035 Private United Kingdom ISquelch 1738 305 1433 18% 28% 934 0 870 28 Dec 2016 451 6390
3036 Sergeant United States The Cooler 224 49 175 22% 49% 1323 1000 870 15 Nov 2023 176 13013
3037 Private United States somasol 810 111 699 14% 19% 910 0 870 25 Apr 2017 151 5580
3038 Lieutenant United States JohnnyRod 152 21 131 14% 40% 793 0 869 25 Nov 2017 64 10410
3039 Private United States Farmerben 257 22 235 9% 24% 1156 898 868 19 Sep 2024 94 9141
3040 Private United States TheLion 8769 3126 5643 36% 38% 1125 849 868 19 Sep 2024 2117 9860
3041 Private United States mzungu06 286 33 253 12% 26% 980 0 868 09 Jul 2012 86 2922
3042 Private United States abf22 135 22 113 16% 23% 0 0 868 23 Feb 2013 26 5150
3043 Private United States Kuoru 73 2 71 3% 7% 733 0 867 25 Aug 2014 4 4290
3044 Sergeant Mexico SpyYoshiRv 1099 478 621 43% 56% 1352 0 867 13 Jun 2023 626 15214
3045 Private United States pogmahon 266 32 234 12% 42% 1010 0 867 26 May 2015 183 10880
3046 Private United States suss99 44 1 43 2% 7% 0 0 867 23 Mar 2012 16 5710
3047 Private United States KyleJKimber 126 3 123 2% 10% 0 0 867 06 Jan 2013 21 2950
3048 Private United States tgrk 187 19 168 10% 33% 1052 0 867 14 Jun 2021 96 9560
3049 Private United States Sneaky Mom 35 2 33 6% 21% 899 0 867 09 Jan 2013 3 7980
3050 Private United States Peterependragon 211 37 174 18% 20% 788 0 867 20 Jun 2023 43 6450
3051 Private United States lester 17 2 15 12% 21% 0 0 866 03 Sep 2012 2 8690
3052 Private United States zdisabled_8a7ed3fe 13933 7102 6831 51% 58% 985 0 866 26 Mar 2020 7930 10101
3053 Private United States rawdog 207 29 178 14% 22% 709 0 866 17 Aug 2023 55 7820
3054 Private United States Swarmbill 2052 205 1847 10% 33% 985 1028 865 19 Sep 2024 709 9912
3055 Private Australia neneleking 28 4 24 14% 38% 990 0 864 17 Sep 2011 10 9140
3056 Private France Kooz 176 15 161 9% 25% 1108 0 864 28 Jun 2018 39 7260
3057 Private United States larsos2 101 14 87 14% 42% 0 0 864 12 May 2020 44 12581
3058 Private Zeus the Nut King 134 24 110 18% 38% 0 0 864 29 Aug 2024 77 9590
3059 Major United States Jigen 881 282 599 32% 50% 966 0 862 14 Jul 2020 546 127321
3060 Private United States LazzypooBird 189 34 155 18% 36% 0 0 861 28 Jan 2020 82 8800