198 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
Pages:   «««9899100101102103104105106»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated ScorePoints
3031 Lieutenant United States Andrew 616 262 354 43% 50% 824 0 823 26 Feb 2021 273 13569
3032 Private United States The Dude 29 5 24 17% 38% 824 0 979 20 Apr 2020 14 9890
3033 Private Australia Gluckman 61 4 57 7% 22% 825 0 886 21 Jun 2012 13 6640
3034 Private United States BrownSugaredThunder 557 135 422 24% 41% 826 0 708 18 Feb 2017 214 10852
3035 Private Chile Rafael Ascanio 32 7 25 22% 38% 827 1000 918 05 Sep 2023 13 9380
3036 Private United Kingdom Nasher 989 217 772 22% 37% 828 0 560 20 Jul 2017 335 12310
3037 Private United States the regulator 265 13 252 5% 16% 829 0 880 29 Aug 2012 65 1090
3038 Private United Kingdom cundallman 72 18 54 25% 25% 829 0 890 16 May 2013 16 9460
3039 Private Canada billbaillie 167 50 117 30% 30% 830 0 0 23 Jun 2021 50 8700
3040 Private United States cubiclehunter 99 9 90 9% 24% 830 0 922 06 Sep 2012 23 6000
3041 Private United States maddox 243 52 191 21% 47% 830 0 978 04 Oct 2015 154 10470
3042 Captain United States UncleBubby 180 57 123 32% 49% 831 0 1035 18 Jul 2012 107 105712
3043 Private United States BobTWC 74 4 70 5% 17% 832 0 0 03 Aug 2010 18 4690
3044 Private United States Stivchyk 184 27 157 15% 33% 832 0 964 04 Mar 2013 78 5220
3045 Private United States thorpe432 494 71 423 14% 40% 832 0 1132 19 Aug 2024 242 13400
3046 Private United States kaiser1245 20 1 19 5% 27% 832 0 961 13 Sep 2013 4 9290
3047 Private United States Saiyan 450 112 338 25% 33% 832 0 980 20 Dec 2012 149 9110
3048 Private Belgium dogend 22 12 10 55% 57% 832 0 0 21 Nov 2013 11 11000
3049 Captain United States tros 209 30 179 14% 44% 833 0 884 02 Jun 2013 133 130812
3050 Private Spain zdisabled54 140 27 113 19% 28% 833 0 920 21 May 2013 38 6860
3051 Private United States bobnonsense 140 35 105 25% 35% 833 0 925 18 Jul 2015 44 10590
3052 Private United States GluteNunray 99 27 72 27% 50% 833 1010 910 16 Sep 2024 66 12080
3053 Private United States fr0wn 472 38 434 8% 34% 834 998 715 07 Aug 2024 189 3800
3054 Private United States FinCom 223 4 219 2% 8% 835 874 850 19 Sep 2024 23 3840
3055 Private United States hovie42 2086 822 1264 39% 45% 836 0 1286 24 Mar 2018 845 12070
3056 Private United States jeffvg 440 78 362 18% 39% 836 0 1078 01 Apr 2024 225 10170
3057 Private United Kingdom Big Ady 154 37 117 24% 43% 836 0 983 23 Dec 2019 84 10970
3058 Private United States STC1188 55 6 49 11% 38% 836 0 947 31 Jan 2012 27 11300
3059 Colonel Afghanistan RiskyBack 1804 391 1413 22% 45% 837 1055 950 19 Sep 2024 1187 105242
3060 Private United States GeoPotato 46 1 45 2% 8% 837 1000 1005 06 Nov 2023 9 5710