195 Open Daily games
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Pages:   «««99100101102103104105106107»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated ScorePoints
3061 Private Canada pitbull6669 234 60 174 26% 36% 0 0 906 18 Mar 2013 57 6770
3062 Private United States Pity the Fool 20 2 18 10% 25% 742 0 999 21 Mar 2012 5 8210
3063 Private United States Pixie003 18 0 18 0% 0% 0 0 0 31 May 2015 1 7570
3064 Private United States pizza23 17 4 13 24% 24% 0 0 0 24 Mar 2014 3 9270
3065 Private United States pizzapizza 41 2 39 5% 13% 0 0 902 05 Nov 2012 5 6590
3066 Private New Zealand Pla5ma Iremac 37 4 33 11% 38% 1099 1000 1009 02 Dec 2020 20 9860
3067 Private United States Plan B 17 4 13 24% 57% 0 0 984 22 Oct 2012 11 11540
3068 Private United States Plato111 113 21 92 19% 50% 0 0 0 27 May 2010 95 12720
3069 Private United States Playa 1 21 4 17 19% 19% 0 0 0 12 Feb 2017 4 9170
3070 Private United States PlayBoy6969 28 2 26 7% 30% 0 0 973 28 Mar 2018 7 9070
3071 Private United States PlayerCrusher 335 33 302 10% 27% 0 0 0 14 Dec 2020 104 5610
3072 Private United States PleaseDie 353 73 280 21% 34% 824 0 928 17 Apr 2012 153 7632
3073 Private United States PleaseDiePLZ 86 10 76 12% 15% 958 0 977 07 Jul 2011 14 5220
3074 Private United States Plentyenuf 20 4 16 20% 36% 0 0 1019 15 Aug 2011 10 9520
3075 Private Canada pljuga 19 0 19 0% 0% 0 0 982 27 Sep 2012 2 7320
3076 Lieutenant United States PlottingPrince 18 2 16 11% 36% 0 0 0 02 May 2016 12 10230
3077 Private United States Plumber 41 5 36 12% 14% 0 0 981 05 Mar 2013 7 7390
3078 Private United States plumbkiller 41 13 28 32% 35% 0 0 0 03 Mar 2014 13 9060
3079 Major Cook Islands Pluto 836 297 539 36% 62% 1325 0 972 11 Jan 2018 710 137022
3080 Private United States pmacd0216 33 7 26 21% 37% 0 0 961 18 Feb 2010 15 9450
3081 Private United States Pocahaunted 73 2 71 3% 11% 808 0 985 04 Mar 2020 22 7070
3082 Private United States podunk 54 26 28 48% 51% 0 0 0 23 Aug 2018 24 11530
3083 Private United States pogmahon 266 32 234 12% 42% 1010 0 867 26 May 2015 183 10880
3084 Private United States PolarisC 562 48 514 9% 28% 0 892 837 14 Sep 2024 250 7400
3085 Private Australia Poli 21 4 17 19% 19% 0 0 977 22 Aug 2016 4 9200
3086 Captain United States Polishfalcon123 973 262 711 27% 48% 1217 1064 1508 18 Sep 2024 621 135015
3087 Private United Arab Emirates Polite Behemoth of Diplomacy Doo 26 1 25 4% 4% 0 0 957 25 Nov 2012 6 7230
3088 Private United States pologuy117 231 49 182 21% 27% 0 0 989 20 Sep 2013 68 7210
3089 Lieutenant General Quebec poloquebec 847 250 597 30% 73% 1276 0 1081 08 Nov 2017 1495 1775213
3090 Private United States Pong of War 135 29 106 21% 48% 986 1000 1595 10 May 2024 125 11040