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Pages:   «««133134135136137138139140141»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated PointsScore
4081 Private Scotland Azorsah 132 37 95 28% 60% 1048 0 983 12 Apr 2021 121 01360
4082 Private Canada starstoours 23 6 17 26% 43% 1049 0 1018 25 Jul 2012 11 01060
4083 Private United States Orcos 82 4 78 5% 23% 1049 0 998 11 Oct 2018 43 0763
4084 Lieutenant Sweden Hampus 157 63 94 40% 64% 1049 0 1013 20 Dec 2015 163 51787
4085 Captain United States DeadByDawn 409 163 246 40% 53% 1049 0 1022 16 Apr 2013 227 111052
4086 Private Philippines jamir 92 17 75 18% 44% 1049 0 1055 29 Sep 2011 50 01150
4087 Private zdisabled_bbc28de4 580 311 269 54% 62% 1050 0 1003 21 Apr 2016 401 01332
4088 Private United States Wildmn81 17 2 15 12% 40% 1050 0 0 10 May 2012 7 0969
4089 Private YoSoyPablo 1734 951 783 55% 57% 1050 902 1040 15 Sep 2024 930 01562
4090 Captain Belgium Lavender 11 1 10 9% 47% 1051 0 0 06 Dec 2015 6 01227
4091 Private Quebec zdisabled_366d4c67 608 339 269 56% 57% 1051 0 0 12 Mar 2017 317 01676
4092 Private Canada TheChineseTankMan 505 140 365 28% 35% 1051 0 831 18 Oct 2014 161 0919
4093 Private Croatia banzekom 1644 597 1047 36% 42% 1051 1058 1016 23 Sep 2024 677 01150
4094 Private Greece Ben Dover 56 8 48 14% 35% 1051 0 915 01 Feb 2013 34 0930
4095 Private United States GeneralTommy 282 87 195 31% 57% 1051 0 1086 14 Oct 2012 229 01370
4096 Private United States DCush93 49 20 29 41% 65% 1052 0 1024 17 Nov 2011 49 01558
4097 Private United States tgrk 187 19 168 10% 33% 1052 0 867 14 Jun 2021 96 0956
4098 Private United States EvtonioBanderas 330 49 281 15% 40% 1052 980 1002 10 Jun 2024 233 01247
4099 Sergeant United States brnry 177 17 160 10% 30% 1053 0 877 06 Aug 2016 68 0835
4100 Private United States Der Panzer 2131 700 1431 33% 36% 1053 1024 1004 16 Sep 2024 674 01124
4101 Private United States Marie the Mutilator of Eras 1021 232 789 23% 43% 1053 731 984 26 Sep 2024 579 3795
4102 Private United States goat claw 58 26 32 45% 72% 1054 0 980 01 Jun 2015 58 01485
4103 Private slappydan 89 7 82 8% 34% 1054 0 1077 04 Apr 2013 61 01115
4104 Private Switzerland drowzdrewz 155 52 103 34% 58% 1054 0 0 24 Apr 2015 105 01158
4105 Private United States Anders Buxton 1355 496 859 37% 49% 1055 0 856 11 Oct 2018 717 0736
4106 Private France jak12 67 14 53 21% 28% 1055 0 983 19 Jan 2013 25 0796
4107 Captain United States ToddNagel 208 48 160 23% 62% 1056 1108 941 16 Sep 2024 248 121736
4108 Private United States aerofan80 162 42 120 26% 51% 1056 0 0 01 Sep 2013 108 01528
4109 Lieutenant United States War 0n Machines 341 32 309 9% 34% 1056 0 1276 23 Jan 2024 195 81480
4110 Sergeant United States iaguilar 44 4 40 9% 29% 1056 0 946 16 Jun 2016 16 0864