188 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
  • Status: Dev
  • Version: 0.1
  • Designer: RiskyBack
  • Rating: Unrated
  • Rating Score:
  • Difficulty: n/a
  • Created Date: 13th Sep 2020
  • Release Date: n/a
  • Games Played: 2
  • #1:
  • #2:
  • #3:

Design Information
Territories 33
Continents 36
Advanced Features One-way Borders
Board Settings
Gameplay Turn Based
Available Players
Card Sets Worth 6,9,12,15,6,9,6
Territory Selection Automatic
Unit Placement Automatic
Starting Setup Scenario based
Capital Cities On
Teamplay Disabled
Fog Setting Light
Fog Override Disabled
Open Games 0
United Federation of Planets
Klingon Empire
Romulan Star Empire
Seat Color Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
1 Red 5 Default
2 Green 5 Default
3 Blue 5 Default
4 Orange 5 Default
5 Cyan 5 Default
6 Battleship Gray 5 Default
7 Pink 5 Default
8 Yellow 5 Default
9 Violet 5 Default
10 Khaki 5 Default
11 SkyBlue 5 Default

Board Description

I'm writing a back story and updatng the graphics, but I want to try this out.


  • Each player stars with 2 starships from either the Unitied Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empirt or the Romulan Star Empire.
  • The Borg Cube is all neutals (neutrals are bright green) with 2 in each section (circles) and 10 in the Transporter (star).
  • The sections of the Borg Cube are neutral factories. As long as they are neutral, they will gain 1 unit each turn to up to 10. They will not be factories once a player owns them.
  • Each Starship is a capital (lose a capital, lose the game.
  • If a player is eliminated via losing their Starships any sections of the Borg Cube they own revert to neutral and begin being Factories again.
  • Attacks

  • Each starship can attack any section of the Borg Cube in the area they are at (Top, Left or Right).
  • Each section of the Cube can attack the Transporter on the same side.
  • The Transporters can attack the 2 Starships in their area and also the other transporters in the other sides of the Cube.
  • Bonuses

  • 1 for every 2 territories owned.
  • Each starship is worth +3
  • Owning both Starships from the same type is worth +4
  • An entire side of the Cube, not including the Transporter is worth +10
  • Cards

  • 6,9,12,15,6,9,12,15...
  • Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOff
    Return to attack after fortifyOff
    Number of attacks allowedUnlimited
    Number of fortifies allowed2
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationBordered
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOff
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralImmediately
    Fog typeLight
    Allow override of fog settingNo
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledNo
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOff
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed5
    Card values6,9,12,15,6,9,12,15,6,9,6
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:2

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories owned2
    Minimum bonus units per turn3
    Elimination bonus10
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOn
    Maximum reserve units0
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice6
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice6

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOff
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionNone
    Capital citiesOn
    Capital city captureOn
    Capital city unit assimilation %0
    Destroy unallocated CapitalsOn
    Number of units per Territory2
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countNone
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsNone