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1 Open Realtime game
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  1. #21 / 28
    Premium Member Yertle
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    Amidon37 wrote:

    How are dice different in SimulGear?
    Dice in SimulGear games are essentially 100 sided. The system rolls one 100 sided diced for each attacker and each defender, then for each attacker dice rolled above the Attacker % one defender is killed and each defender dice rolled above the Defender % one attacker is killed. For example, if Attack is set to 60% and Defend is set to 75%, if an order is for Attack 10 units to territory with Defender of 10 units, then the system rolls ten (10) 100 sided dice for the Attack and for every dice that is 40 or greater will kill one Defender unit, the system also rolls ten (10) 100 sided dice for the Defender and for every dice that is 25 or greater will kill one Attacking unit.


    Should it say "60 or greater" and "75 or greater"?  Those numbers  seem to go along better with the line "for each attacker dice rolled above the Attacker % one defender is killed".  Also, because I teach Math and think about such things, should it actually say "greater than 60" and "greater than 75"?


    I believe 40 or greater (or greater than 40) is correct.  Rolling a 100 sided dice, any di rolled that is 1-39 doesn't kill, any di that is rolled that is 40-100 kills, hence the 60%.  Saying "greater than 60" would imply a 40% kill rate, right?  And I think same goes for attacking.

    One drawback is that you don't really get to see what number you rolled, since it's all handled by the system and only thing seen is number of kills.

    For the record, dice should really be singular and plural Smile.

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  2. #22 / 28
    Brigadier General M57 M57 is online now
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    Yertle wrote:
    I believe 40 or greater (or greater than 40) is correct.  Rolling a 100 sided dice, any di rolled that is 1-39 doesn't kill, any di that is rolled that is 40-100 kills, hence the 60%.  Saying "greater than 60" would imply a 40% kill rate, right?  And I think same goes for attacking.

    One drawback is that you don't really get to see what number you rolled, since it's all handled by the system and only thing seen is number of kills.

    The other drawback that I mentioned (and I believe what A37 was trying to address) is that describing a 60% probability in terms of rolling a 40 or greater is potentially confusing for some.  On the other hand, describing a 60% probability in terms of rolling a 60 or less takes away a layer of computation.  

    This has elements of a fifth grade math problem and I can tell you from experience that given the two descriptions, many fifth graders would struggle with the former but would have no problem understanding the latter.

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  3. #23 / 28
    Prime Amidon37
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    M57 wrote

    The other drawback that I mentioned (and I believe what A37 was trying to address) is that describing a 60% probability in terms of rolling a 40 or greater is potentially confusing for some.  On the other hand, describing a 60% probability in terms of rolling a 60 or less takes away a layer of computation.  

    Now that I think I understand how they work, then yes, M57 is explaining why I was confused. Maybe it is my AD&D background, but if you tell me that I have a 60% chance of success and I roll the dice (plural) to see if I succeed then I would look for 1 - 60 to be rolled, not 40 - 100. I think that explaining it as rolling under a 60 rather than rolling over a 40 would make more sense to more people- And a related question - Which number is listed first in the percentages? Here is why I am confused-- In Hordes of China there are three different dice possibilities, and when I am using the board tab from within the game I get the following: "D60% vs 70%" gets a white arrow "D75% vs 70%" gets a green arrow "D50% vs 70%" gets a red arrow I take the "D" to mean the first number is the defense % chance to kill - but that would suggest the arrow colors are out of whack- and wouldn't really make sense for the board - so I think the first number is the Attack and that "D" should be removed-

  4. #24 / 28
    Standard Member RiskyBack
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    It's based off of the default dice so 60v70 is the default and so gets a white border while 75v70 has an attack modifier and gets a green arrow whilst 50v70 has a defense modifier and hence a red arrow.  Same concept as turn based and it makes perfect sense to me altough I will admit that I understand the system but probably wouldn't from the explanation so I agree on that point.

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  5. #25 / 28
    Premium Member Yertle
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    "D" means Dice.  First number is Attack, second is Defend.

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  6. #26 / 28
    Pop. 1, Est. 1981 Alpha
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    Yertle wrote:

    "D" means Dice.  First number is Attack, second is Defend.

    If there is going to be a 'D' for dice at all then it should be D70% vs. D60% since I can see the confusion that A37 is bring up here, probably the best is A70% vs. D60% since every knows that we are talking about dice.

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  7. #27 / 28
    Premium Member Yertle
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    Added a Board Designer's FAQ: http://www.wargear.net/help/display/Board%20Design%20FAQ

    Comments/Feedback/More Questions to Add?

    My plan is still to add a more in depth Scenarios Help page next, or get Scenario information in the Help somewhere.


    Check out WarGear Gear at the WarGear Zazzle Store!

    "But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." Matthew 19:30 - Good strategy for life and WarGear!

  8. #28 / 28
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    Very nice Yertle!


    I still don't understand this:

    What is Player Border?
    The Player Border is the thin black outline border visible in the Flash Player of a game. The player border is merely for graphics.


    What is the border around?

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